Replying to LO28686 --
Alan Cotterell concluded his contribution with...
" Bring on Employee Share Ownership Programs, Open Book Management and
Productivity Gainsharing, let's change the mindset. We've got to get
genuine sometime! "
Alan and LOers, good morning:
The first question that immediately came to mind after I read what you
wrote was 'Why?' (why do we have to get genuine sometime!). If conditions
are as you've described them - and I have no doubt about nor disagree with
your conclusions - then I have to ask myself: why did this condition occur
in the first place, why does it continue to occur with so many 'alternate
ideas out there', and why should we now expect it to change.
If I can then cool down enough from the first question, a second appears:
What can be done to contribute to the implied goodness of becoming
"genuine", essentially to make it happen?
I think your reflections deserve a bit of "dwell time".
Thanks and best regards...
Terry Priebe
--"Terry Priebe" <>
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