learning with, or without a goal LO28719

From: Alan Cotterell (acotrel@cnl.com.au)
Date: 06/20/02

Replying to LO28713 --

I attended school to age 57 years. I had a purpose in mind for completing
every course in which I participated. It makes things much easier when
your education is focussed on solving certain types of problems. I do
feel, however, that I cannot consider myself to be 'well educated'. I
don't have much breadth to my learning. I am very specialised and I
believe this sometimes inhibits finding possible solutions to some
problems which would be much more elegant than some I come up with. I
suggest we need the ability to think laterally. Lack of this ability has
led us to be stuck in the old 'authoritarian paradigm'.

Regards, Alan


"Alan Cotterell" <acotrel@cnl.com.au>

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