Replying to LO28694 --
When I lived in Africa I knew some people who were there specifically to
change Africa. Totally by the accident of birth, values and many things
beyond my control I was only there to work, create lasting and meaningful
relationships, and learn.
I can say with certainty that neither the "changers" or I made any
measurable change. On the other hand, I had experiences and relationships
that changed me profoundly. And I suspect that the friends I had there
had experiences through me that also redirected their lives. Maybe that
is all one can hope for, is, through the most fundamental of human
interactions to redirect the flow a bit...
> How are we ever going to get workplace change when this type of attitude
> prevails? What hope do consultants have, of implementing new ideas when
> workers are offside right from the very inception?
--"Rol Fessenden" <>
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