Replying to LO28722 --
Dare Organleaners dare! Dear @,
Thank you for your clear statements - and funny misspelling. It is not the
first time we're on the brink of mass extinction, but it might be the
first time that we are able to foresee it; not all the details, but the
greater picture. You do not need a telescope to notice the coming
disaster. Although most people have great difficulty in understanding
exponential growth. Let's take time, sit down and discuss this; time is on
our side. I have a truly marvelous resolution - a spiritual, social,
technological, economical redesign -, but it would become meaningless if i
wrote it down. It also would be too long.
The coming die-off is inevitable - i have always wondered why i had
nightmares about this, but i still assume they 're just internal
projections of despair. And although all the spirits of good will are
gathering, there will be not enough loving care around to prevent, to
circumvent a series of manmade disasters. In another mail - Luctor et
Emergo - i described the situation of The Netherlands at the end of the
Middle Ages: stuck in the mud. The environmental, economical and social
crisis then contained also a spiritual crisis. In a way, it paved the way
for The Reformation. But in those days, you still good blame the Gods or
an outrageous fortune. The Netherlands emerged with a new social
structure, a social, technical and economic structure that in a way,
triggered the Industrial Revolution, amongst others. The coming struggle
will be larger, heavier, deadlier and longer. I'm not to blame for this
situation, but it is my responsibility - if you're not part of the
solution, you're part of the problem.
As i look at this puzzle, this question, this queeste - it is somewhat
like finding The Holy Grail: a bunch of knights looking for the key to
eternal (= sustainable) life; were is Arthur? Who is Merlin? - i see no
path of resolution. When i look at my magical cookbook (Creating Paths of
Change - by Will McWhinney), it drops open at page 196: "Co-generation".
That seems fair: let's call it co-generating.
"Preparation:", i read, "This kind of needs a level of patience and
insight many people find difficult to attain". And it also says: "All the
detailed specifications will come from the tools you chose to work the
reformulated problem". So there is the first step: we have both an image
of the problem and of the solution. In order to get constructive
acceptance, the participants in the solution have to participate in its
construction and adoption. Adoption through adaptation. This participation
will lead to a redefinition of the problem. That is fine, because we'll
also need to separate the idea from our ego.
The second step is to explore, to review, to re-imagine, to redefine the
problem(s) - to deconstruct the issue. Because - i assume - the root cause
of this situation is the very core of the way we own ourselves. In way, we
may be possessed - how many ess-s can a word have - by some "evil",
"alien", "false" spirit. We're not possessed by something "evil" per-se or
in itself; it might be something that is or used to be very good, but it
is "evil" in its consequences. This devil ("de evil") is telling us things
that we shouldn't listen to. In fact, i believe that this is the origin of
the word satan: "de lagen-legger", the one that trick us. So it is
becoming clear were our destiny lies.
Later more; thanks for raising the issue.
Thank you
AM de Lange wrote:
> Linked to LO28721 (Part 1.)
> Part 2. The identity of die-off.
> Dera Organlearners,
> Sureness ("identity-context") is essential to all creative activities. In
> part 1 the context of die-off was sketched. Let us now explore its
> identity.
> To summarise:- having an over crowded tank, a too small biofilter and too
> few water changes created a condition in which the bioload could not be
> handled indefinitely. As the condition worsens from the time "first signs"
> because of increasing the bioload (entropy load), die-off becomes
> unavoidable.
> Let us now contemplate the ultimate in die-off, namely that of Homo
> sapiens (humankind). A tentative free hand graph of this die-off is
> presented in figure 2
-- With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,Jan Lelie
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