McKinsey's 7-S Framework LO28743 -literature

From: Shadrack Lepuru (
Date: 06/25/02

Replying to LO28605 --

Dear Learning Organisation readers,

On 05/25/02 I posted a message (LO 28605) re some more information about
the 'McKinsey's 7-S framework,' indeed I got some valuable input,. My
further reading reveals that the 'framework' was a widely publicised and
used, after its in introduction early in the 1980s. I tried to search such
for some material more comprehensive literature where it was publicised,
and it has been hard to find enough of that, other than the famous books:
In Search of Excellence, The Art of Japanese Management and Managing on
the Edge. I would like to know of companies or institutions were the
'framework' was used fully, its implementation evaluated, etc.

Maybe, Learning Orgainisation readers who have not read my previous
message can help, because I have a feeling that there could have been a
number of case studies developed and explored by academics and strategy

[Host's Note: Shadrack's previous msg is at:

Kind regards,

Shadrack Lepuru


"Shadrack Lepuru" <>

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