Replying to LO28375 --
This message is a bit of "free associating" 8^)...
>From Andrew's missive LO28375:
> I have found astonishing resistance to the implementation of artpractice
> as YOU might imagine it from reading the above experience into what might,
> loosely be called organizational learning, HR development..whatever;-) and
> yet it's outcome are almost always superbly freeing of the
> mind.body.spirit. Perhaps it is this very freeing that creates the
> resistance all around;-) If you could just see the image before me of
> this woman ***working*** you might appreciate why every morning I step one
> remove AWAY from you all here and one step TOWARD the angels.
I was struck by "mind.body.spirit" in the above. If I were to write these
three words offhand, I'd probably write them "body, mind, spirit" (from
the concrete to the abstract?).
One way to interpret what Andrew has written, is that "body" is taken as
the umlomo (associator) between mind and spirit in the pattern of
wholeness. What kinds of thoughts does this lead to? How might our minds
and spirits be connected/mediated/coordinate by our bodies?
Another way to look at it is to consider the dot that Andrew uses, as a
binary mathematical operator (that is, one that connects two entities). The
Law of Associativity for this operator can be written
mind.(body.spirit) = (mind.body).spirit
Here we have two associations, one between the mind and the body.spirit, and
one between the mind.body and the spirit. The "=" says that the results of
the two "acts of associating" are the same. Do you think this is true?
Personally, I like the question better than any answer that I've come up
Love and best wishes for fruitful associations,
--Don Dwiggins Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
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