Communities of learning LO28754

From: bjørg kaspersen (
Date: 06/28/02

I've been a very interested but passive participant on the for many years, on and off. Now I have a question that I
think some of you might be able to help me with:

As members of a learning forum in Stavanger, Norway, ten of us want to
start a community of learning/practice on community of learning. That is,
we want to explore what it takes to make people want to participate, share
knowledge and experience, learn from each others (very much like what the
learning-org discussion page is all about) and also use the learning in
their daily life.

We plan to meet physically the first few meetings, but an important part
will be to use the Internet for sharing.

Does anyone have any experience on this that they would like to share? I'm
also very interested in getting information about communities of
learning/practice on the web.

Our we page is - but it's all in Norwegian, so don't bother
to visit unless you speak the language.

Bjoerg Kaspersen
Mobil: 99691636
Tlf. 51606566 / 51521773


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