learning with, or without a goal LO28760

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 06/29/02

Replying to LO28736 --

Dear LeO ;-)

>Replying to LO28724 --
>Dear LO' ers, dear friends,
>I have linked my reply to At's contribution. However, also Alan Coterell
>and Jan Lelie made contributions which I hope to include in this mail.
>This mail starts strange enough with something Fred Nichols replied to At
>in the thread: History of uncovering the act of learning:

 - 'local traffic conditions' was my introduction to Rick Karash LO about
five years ago... and now I believe that DP Dash is investigating 'local
rules' versus 'global rules' to throw light upon the complex
inter-activity of this our world.

12:23 Dz-gung asked about friends. The Master said, Inform them with
loyalty and guide them with goodness, but if that does not suffice, then
stop. Do not cause yourself embarrassment.

--you are there to influence, not to denounce. With the explicit
understanding (above) that if your influence does not avail, you may
validly distance yourself from what, in the end, can only be a perilous

I hope from the bottom of my heart that every employee and stake holder
(sic) in companies like Enron, Worldcom and Xerox to name but three now
surfacing will take heed of the wisdom of China from two and a half
thousand years ago. Corrupt people are corrupt people and time does not
separate them, only the Confucian "shaking at both ends" does that, and
the shaking has begun.

12:24 Dzvngdz said, The Gentleman with his culture gathers his friends,
and with his friends supports rvn.

-- having learned to distance ourselves we must learn how to attract them,
and what does this circle of friends, once it comes into being by
attraction, accomplish in the state? The answer is that friends are
attracted by sharing the same cultural values, and once attracted, become
a strong social force in support of those values. Friends do not develop
an agenda; they serve the agenda that brought them together in the first
place. What we are supposed to learn from this is that society is not
somewhere else; every interaction, among colleagues as well as on the
street, and more consequentially among colleagues than on the street,
shapes society. Hence the realization implicit here, newly recognized
here, of right interaction NOW.

I don't know when...I sent dear DP a self made tape of a guitar player who
plays in the street near where I live, his name is Niel. Some time after
in reply to a mail here, but not mine, DP wrote...

"(Imagine) ...a busy market with many people of many different shapes and
sizes and colours, criss-crossing each other in their brisk and self
engaged steps; their hands loaded with recent purchases and their minds
meandering in numerous ways. Suddenly you sit down at a central place and
start playing a sweet rhthym on your guitar. Slowly the environment begins
to transform. People form a circle, an object that did not exist before
and perhaps some children inside the circle begin to dance to your rhythm
and there, right there you have helped create something that did not occur

Confucius himself said 'To dwell in RVN is best'.

I ran a course last weekend...one of the attendees brought her son, and
lacking a partner for an eye gazing exercise I spent some time gazing into
this eight month old child's eyes. At the end of the day I went round
picking up picture they'd left, some as gifts for me and others unwanted
scraps;-) one was a Zen-like meander of space and light, and on the back
an inscription 'Janet and Benedict 23rd June 2002' ...and a fragment from
a poem by an accountant..

" Emerging on the strength of his boldness,
Meeting but barely the soft gentle breeze
Which floated airily in the background."

Peter Senge wrote, "lost in a field of dreams."

~~~~~~~~~~ For Confucian society there was a need to create new words for new
objects, easily detected in 'silk' and 'medicine' More difficult was the
detection of differences despite use of the same term. - a subtle duplicity
;-) when we talk now of Chiefs Executives and Officers and leaders and
followers and...you'll have got the drift on the silk like breeze by
now;-)...I spoke with Confucius directly as is my way;-) and he said I should
not speak with 'moral inferiors'..but I refute the great wise man of the
ancient East and I offer solace to any corrupt CEO who want to find the value
in rvn. For the ancients of China it was sought to establish a matrix of
lateral social architectures.....a widened horizon...for any individual in
Why so much surprise that a undereducated country 'ditch digger' should
resort to some 'grave digging' to feed his children.

Next page then...are you ready? 13:9 (Fragment in which is found the
whole;-) He said, Enrich them. He said, Once they are rich, what should
be added to that? He said, Teach them.

This is Confucianism applying " an objectively based resonance or
coherence theory of the whole of society."

I will repeat that for the large scale thieves and their minions peeing
through the cracks hereabouts..."OF THE WHOLE OF SOCIETY."

-No sketches, acceptance of what I do.

Andrew Campbell



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