Replying to LO28783 --
At 09:51 AM 07/04/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>This is July 4th, Independence Day in the US. Over the past couple of
>years, my thoughts have turned from time to time to the grand ideas,
>radical ideas at the time, involved in the founding of our country. We
>may not always live up to these, but the ideals themselves are worthy of
>Today, I went to find the original text, and found it refreshing and
>exciting. My wish for the health of the world is that all people can
>someday live in societies which attempt to be in accord with these values.
Thanks Rick, for posting this. More than ever, I cherish the words "the
land of the free" in our US National Anthem. The freedom to be and to
become. Your choice of words -- "health" and "attempt" -- are to me very
well chosen. Over the recent years, I've been reading from Alexis
deTocqueville's "Democracy In America." His insights on freedom and
democracy are refreshing. And that's thought provoking for me since his
insights are about (?) 150 years old. He was quite a systems thinker. I
especially like his remarks on the difficulty of being fully free and
fully equal at once. Thanks again for taking the time to remind us of
what we may too often take for granted.
--John Dicus | CornerStone Consulting Associates - Leadership - Systems Thinking - Teamwork - Open Space - Electric Maze - 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City, OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (2729 fax) |
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