Replying to LO28827 --
Dear Andrew,
You wrote (in capitals, as if North Moreton should be a capital):
> If anyone thinks it worth writing up a few notes on North Moreton as A
If thinking of the past it may open the mind for rich imaginations. I did
it during my study in geology, looking in the past of many millions of
years. Finding an artifact, such flintstone with these shell-like
cuttings, gives indeed a very special feeling.
What I am curious about is the ethymology of 'Moreton'. As At does
regularly, trying to find the roots of words to enrich the meaning of
these words, probably thr origin of Moreton will help to enrich the images
of the past of you place. Has it something to do with 'moor' (swamp), or
mare, and the whole branch of words referring to water? There must exist
also in England books about the ethymology of geographical names. Please,
let me know if you know. It will enrich my imaginations too - feeling
closer to you.
Leo Minnigh
--Minnigh <>
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