Replying to LO28356 --
A belated contribution to this thread:
At writes:
> I think that during the seminar this manager also thought of empowering
> the members of the organisation. That is the very reason why he organised
> the seminar. But he did it in the sense that "efficient management" and
> all what it entails will empower them.
This reminds me of a section in the "Fifth Discipline Fieldbook" on
creating a corporate vision. In one chapter, a nice model describes the
various possibilities for a CEO to gain consensus on a vision (sorry, I
don't have the book handy). The possibilities range from "telling"(where
the CEO simply says "this is the way it's going to be") to "co-creating"
(where ideally everyone is involved in creating the new vision). From
your description, it sounds like your manager is at the "selling" stage.
Perhaps it would be useful to show him this chapter, in the spirit of
"here's a range of ways to approach the problem", and let him consider the
(Rick, would it be appropriate to quote or summarize that chapter here?)
[Host's Note: Don, the only consideration is copyright and fair use. It
would be great if you want to summarize or "review" the publication,
including quotes. Quoting a whole chapter is probably over the line (and
quite a project). ..Rick]
--Don Dwiggins "There are moments in history when the fabric of everyday life unravels, and there is this unstable dynamism that allows for incredible social change in short periods of time. People and the world they're living in can be utterly transformed, either for the good or the bad, or some mixture of the two." -- Tony Kushner, playwright
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