Linked to LO28841 --
Replying to LO28841 and LO26677 --
Hi there, HelLO,
Replace "to learn" by "to be":
'Organisations are only through individuals that (who? - jan) are.
Individuals' being does not guarantee organisational being. But without
it no organisational being occurs.'
Or by "to organize":
'Organisations organize only through individuals that (who? - jan)
organize. Individuals' organizing does not guarantee organisational
organizing. But without it no organisational organizing occurs.'
So it seems to me that this statement is a "tru-ism". LO - or Learning
Organisations - is, again in my view - a label that has "nothing" to do
with learning and organisations as such. To me LO and Peter Senge are - in
the context of network and hubs, a network and a hub. (This list could
also have been called: "six degrees from Peter Senge", whom i myself by
the way have met in 1993- i have his autograph to prove it!). Learning
Organisations are to me - within the context of the tipping point image -
a "sticky note", like a 3M-Post-It (tm) or that tune that i cannot get out
of my head. They fill a need, an empty place in our heads. Their success
lies in the replication of the word by generating messages that contain
that word, like a retro virus.
So no research programm needed - although the links were very interesting
- thanks.
Jan Lelie
Jim Marshall wrote:
> I have followed what we all did with this one and even threw a few pebbles
> into the pond myself. Sorry folks, but I don't think we have scored an
> "A". Let's hope the student did.
> Much of the responses were instances of us going straight to conclusions -
> established "knowledge" or opinion on the topic. After a kaleidescopic
> display of diverse perspectives - it's all settled into a stable array of
> opinions, with no momentum left - but unfinished, I believe.
> So I want to suggest a research agenda and invite everyone else to add to
> it. Let's see if we can agree on what is to be on it.
--With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,
Jan Lelie
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