Replying to LO28880 --
Another option for sharing information is a wiki (see for the first wiki). A wiki (short
for wiki wiki web) is a collection of web pages where there is no
distinction between author and reader. That is, anyone can author - add
content - to any page. New pages can be added at will and trivially linked
to from existing pages. So wiki's tend to explode outward with information.
Wiki's also tend to spawn communities of collaborative users. Since wiki's
are webs the pages in a wiki can be organized in multiple orthogonal
directions. They require little or no administration so they are low
overhead. Wiki's are great ways to discuss things and share information.
We use one at my company to share technical information. There should be a
learning organization wiki.
Jamie Nettles
VP Engineering
Informative Graphics Corporation
>It is claimed that Lotus Notes is a solution for such needs, but I have
>no experience to confirm it.
--Jamie Nettles <>
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