Small organization becoming a LO, suggestions? LO28909

From: Ellery July (
Date: 07/26/02

I'm ellery july, Director of Community Activities & Learning for the
Northwest Area Foundation, and a new member of the learning organization
list. We exist to help communities in our eight-state (Minnesota, Iowa,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, & Oregon) region
reduce poverty.

We (a staff of 35 people) are embarking on a journey to become more of a
learning organization. Some of us have been part of learning organizations
(usually bigger companies) and were wondering what are the some suggested
starting points for smaller organizations? Who are some people in
Minnesota who might be consultants, mentors, role models, and people to
begin a discussion?

Thanks in advance

ellery july
Director of Community Activities and Learning
Northwest Area Foundation
Suite 400
60 Plato Blvd E
St. Paul, MN 55107
email -
phone - 651-225-3895
fax - 651-225-7695


Ellery July <>

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