OKLC 2003 - Call for Papers
Building on the success of previous Conferences at the Universities of
Warwick (2000) and Leicester (2001), and the conference on Organizational
Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities (OKLC 2002) organized by ALBA last
April, OKLC 2003 will take place in Barcelona on April 13th and 14th,
2003, organized by the IESE Business School, University of Navarra.
The conference will maintain its focus, with an emphasis on seeing
organizations as knowledge systems --bundles of knowledge assets with
significant social and organizational dynamics, the effective management
of which may be a source of a firm's sustainable competitive advantage.
The main objective of this iteration is to consolidate the achievements of
previous conferences, giving participants an opportunity to engage in
fruitful interchanges of ideas in a relaxed, congenial and creative
context. For this reason one goal is to keep the conference relatively
small both in the number of participants and in the number of simultaneous
Knowledge has always been an organizational asset. However, with
organizations increasingly exposed to global competition many argue that
knowledge has become the most critical asset for organizations. Thus, it
becomes essential to understand how to develop knowledge through effective
learning at the individual, group and organization level, how to improve
approaches to knowledge transfer, and how to realize effective knowledge
Viewing organizations as knowledge systems has turned out to be a very
fruitful avenue for research. If an organization is a collection of
knowledge assets then the refinement, updating and management of those
assets is of great importance. Hence the current emphasis on attempts to
understanding knowledge creation, transmission, storage and retrieval, as
well as to improve our understanding of how organizational memory and
learning function. Since knowledge is so important, the manner in which
organizations remember what they know and learn from their (as well as
from others’) experience is also important, both theoretically and
practically. Moreover, since knowledge assets are so central to the
functioning of firms, the ways in which companies develop and sustain
certain knowledge-based capabilities in order to gain and sustain
competitive advantage is an interesting research topic.
The knowledge-based view of organizations is transdisciplinary by nature,
and consequently it provides the means for integrating insights from a
variety of disciplines, making this area of research particularly
appealing. In this conference we seek papers (conceptual, empirical, or
both) from scholars from all related fields that address one, or any
combinations of, the following questions (the list is not meant to be
(1) How is organizational knowledge and its management to be
conceptualized and researched?
(2) How is organizational knowledge produced, used, renewed, stored,
retrieved, transmitted, and shared? How is it measured?
(3) What types of organizational knowledge are related to different types
of innovation procedures and business systems?
(4) What information technology applications and systems support
effective knowledge management in organizations?
(5) What organization designs facilitate the creation, development and
effective deployment of organizational knowledge and why?
(6) What are the mechanisms that enable (or disable) organizational
learning, how, why, and with what consequences?
(7) How do organizational learning and knowledge management contribute to
organizational innovation and change?
(8) How do organizations remember what they know, and how is
organizational memory strengthened (or weakened), updated, and used in
particular contexts and through particular procedures and systems?
(9) How does social capital in organizations preserve knowledge, in what
form, and for what use?
(10) What are the best strategies for managing organizational knowledge?
(11) How does knowledge management relate to business strategy and
organizational performance?
(12) What evidence is there that firms’ competitive advantage stems from
difficult-to-replicate knowledge assets?
(13) What processes do organizations use to synthesize and acquire
knowledge resources, generate new applications from those resources, and
develop dynamic capabilities and value-creating strategies?
(14) How to effectively manage knowledge across organizational borders?
(15) What are the relevant links between learning and innovation in
organizations? How are they best managed?
(16) Is there a significant connection between knowledge and power and
politics in organizations? What are its implications for organizational
Conference Organization
The conference is hosted by IESE Business School, University of Navarra,
Ave. Pearson 21, 08034 Barcelona, Spain (Tel: (+34) 93 253 42 00, Fax:
(+34) 93253 43 43, www.iese.edu <http://www.iese.edu> ).
For any further information please email us: OKLC2003@iese.edu
Contributions and Participation
Academic Track
The natural home for conventional academic papers. Scholars from all areas
of management and business studies are invited to submit papers that
address one or more (or versions) of the preceding questions. Leading
international publishers have expressed an interest in publishing a
selection of academic papers from the conference.
Practitioner Track
As well as inviting conventional academic papers, we are keen to include
experience-based papers. In this track, participants will have the chance
to present papers that may be more descriptive in style, prescriptive in
tone and business-policy oriented. In the same track certain leading
practitioners will be invited to share their experiences.
Authors should send a 2000 word abstract as e-mail attachment to
OKLC2003@iese.edu by 15 October 2002. All abstracts must be submitted as
Word documents and must contain on the first page a title, authors names,
postal addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and an indication
of the track (i.e. academic or practitioner track) their authors would
like to join. Abstracts will be blindly reviewed. Notification of
acceptance will be sent by 6 December 2002. Final papers must be submitted
by 15 February 2003 in order to be included in the conference proceedings.
There is a limit of 200 participants.
Advisory Committee
Harry Scarbrough, University of Leicester, UK
Haridimos Tsoukas, Strathclyde University, UK
Anthony Wensley, University of Toronto, CA
Gabriel Szulanski, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Georg Von Krogh, Director of the Institute of Management, Univ. of St.
Gallen, Switzerland
Jacky Swan, University of Warwick, UK
Maxine Robertson, University of Warwick, UK
Sue Newell, Bentley College, Boston, USA
Leif Edvinsson, University of Lund, Sweden and CEO of Universal Networking
Intellectual Capital.
Eduard Bonet, ESADE, Spain
Clive W. Holtham, City University Business School, UK
Álvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of
--"Lara, Emma" <ELara@iese.edu>
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