Action Learning and Learning OrganizationLO29293

From: Alfred Rheeder (
Date: 10/10/02

Replying to LO29273 --

Dear At and Organlearners,

At wrote:
> However, your question also made me think of the many "kinds of learning"
> which i have encountered in my more than thirty years study of learning.
> Here is a list which i can now think of. (Please try holding your breath
> while reading through the list ;-)
> authentic learning
> accelerating learning
> action learning
> (complex) adaptive learning
> adult learning
> anticipatory learning
> appreciative learning
> celleration learning
> cognitive learning
> collaborative learning
> competency-based learning
> competitive learning
> computer-based learning
> concurrent learning
> constant learning
> continuous learning
> cooperative learning
> creative learning
> double-loop learning
> electronic learning
> executive learning
> experiential learning
> high-impact learning
> individual learning
> inter-organizational learning
> inter-partner learning
> leading learning
> managerial learning
> mechanistic learning
> organisational learning
> outcome-based learning
> parenthetic learning
> programmed learning
> reflective learning
> self-directed learning
> rote learning
> situated learning
> stategic learning
> total-quality learning
> transformational learning
> triple-loop learning
> virtual learning
> virtuous learning
> Some of these "kinds of learning" have few supporters while others (like
> action learning) are becoming increasingly popular. However, what worries
> me deeply is that the act of learning becomes broken in so many pieces
> that few will be able to put it back again. I firmly believe in terms of
> wholeness there is but one "act of learning". I myself often qualify it as
> "authentic learning", but i realise the futility of this in terms of such
> a huge list of "kinds of learning".

The list you mentioned shocked me. Isn't the list indicative of the
reversible abyss of the information paradigm? How often aren't these
"kinds of learning" used/applied and "marketed" as treasure maps - the one
answer to our problems? Just follow the guidelines by the book. What is
happening to the art of learning?

Here in South Africa we have become obsessed with outcome-based learning
(for schools) which is the flavour of the month. Unfortunately we do not
seem to be aware that the new system lack in complexity to deal with the
reality. In 10 years time I wonder what the flavour of the month will


Alfred Rheeder


Alfred Rheeder <>

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