The Disposition of Information LO29550

From: Alfred Rheeder (
Date: 11/22/02

Replying to LO29544 --

Benjamin and LO'ers

Benjamin wrote:

> Which I find interesting, because I've held to a life-long belief that all
> each word -- with the exception of pronouns -- define a concept. Therefore
> the better one can define a word, the more clearly one can think.

Benjamin I think you touched on a very important issue, the use of
definitions and creativity. I am of the opinion that a definition only
has identity, an thus lack categorical identity. By this I mean that a
definition does not include the context, the evolution, history and path
of thinking that lead to the definition in the first place. I have become
aware that I have often in the past overemphasized and used definitions
without understanding the context that lead to the definition in the first
place and consequently seriously impaired my creativity and learning.

I am also of the opinion that often definitions are too simplistic too
describe a complex reality and that the overuse and exaggerated importance
placed on definitions often go hand in hand with the information paradigm.

The better I understand the identity and context of a word the more
clearly I can think. I therefore often use descriptions rather than


Alfred Rheeder


Alfred Rheeder <>

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