Replying to LO29985 --
Dear Andrew,
I came across Norbert Winner's "Invention: The Care and Feeding of Ideas"
( MIT Press 1996 ). He mentioned (my account) that if your ancestors
'invested' 'a talent' in the Greek Age, then you must be very, very rich
now. He also mentioned the sailing must be wrecked if the sailors only
read the 'numbers". Most living things are "suffering" from your
"half-half" decays (even we are enjoying in "loafing") but perhaps some
ideas were reinvented or redressed generations after generations.
You are right, the spring is coming in this island. The students in our
neighboring university like to write their 'love letters' by 'patterning'
of fallen flowers in the meadow. Students in the department of philosophy
are selling some popular books. I read one translation of 'la philosophie
critique de Kant by Gillles Deleuze' without real understanding (perhaps
'love is also a key word'.). Last week, in Ho-Chi-Ming City, I asked one
of my clients about his master degree paper on LO and he briefly
introduced it and we think this is a big subject. we went to his brother's
strive to get his Ph D in the near-blindness conditions. That was more
Taipei, Taiwan
--"deming" <>
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