Replying to LO30268 --
Fred Nickols writes:
>> Flow charts are the oldest of the myriad of graphic notations invented and
>> evolved by software folks to try to visualize programs and processes.
>> They can be valuable, but remember the adage of the bloke with only a
>> hammer. As a practicing organizational learner, you should have a good
>> complement of tools in your kit, and know the strengths and limitations of
>> each.
> What is the basis for saying that software folks invented flowcharts? It
> seems to me they were used by industrial engineers long before there were
> any software folks.
Pure careless haste; I was focusing on the other "myriad" that _were_
invented by software people. Actually, I suspect that even some of them
were derived from, or inspired by, graphic notations of other disciplines.
Oh well, post in haste, repent at leisure...
--Don Dwiggins, Beta Version 0.8 (Version 1.0 due for release Real Soon Now)
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