Replying to LO30312 --
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 15:19:35 +1000, Alan Cotterell wrote:
> I find the best way to write procedures is to first take notes on the
> process, then derive a flowchart.
> My comment that 'if you can't flow chart it, you can't do it' is
> defensible on the basis, that if the flowchart doesn't make sense then
> you end up in 'crisis management mode'.
I think that any resistance to the idea that 'if you can't flow chart it,
you can't do it' is based on the rigidity implied by a flow chart.
I know that it doesn't have to be that way - but putting a chart on paper
can ;ead to a very fixed view of a process.
I've been finding that use of Mind Mapping approaches leaves me with a
more flexible, less apparently rigid picture. A Mind Map could be
transformed into a more conventional flow chart in due course but my own
experience is that the Mind Map leaves a deal more freedom in the
Andrew Steele
-- ********************* Andrew Steele ********************** NetWorks Media Consultants Ltd P.O. Box 154, Keighley | phone: +44 870 321 8446 West Yorkshire, BD20 6UU | Key IDs: DH/DSS 0x3A977266
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