Cognition in the Rough LO30331 -AOM August

From: Joseph Gerard (
Date: 07/07/03

My apologies for cross-postings.

The 6th Annual "Cognition in the Rough" Workshop at the Seattle AOM
Conference has an extended deadline of July 14th! If you are not
currently a member of the Managerial and Organization Cognition division,
this is a great opportunity to see what we have to offer and meet leading
scholars in the field. If you are a member - you've undoubtedly already
heard about CIR. Either way, it's a great time and place to get together
to present and advance works in progress!

The attachment and paste below is a copy of the repeat call with extended
deadline for proposals:

Now is the time to be preparing for the 6TH ANNUAL "COGNITION IN THE
ROUGH" WORKSHOP to be held at the annual Academy of Management Conference
in August, 2003

[It] was the best part of the entire conference for me and I went back to
my home institution revitalized and armed with a strategy for improving my
research that kept me going for the entire year. -Workshop participant

Are you working on cognition-related research?
Would you like some help with problem-areas or some general
feedback from scholars in the field?

The Cognition in the Rough workshop (CIR) provides an excellent
opportunity to discuss research that is in its formative stages in an
informal, collegial roundtable setting... with the added benefit of
learning about other cutting-edge research!

It was a defining moment in my life as an academic because for the first
time I felt connected to a broader academic community. -Workshop

Each roundtable will have 2-3 scholars and 2-3 researchers, allowing
plenty of time for discussion. Once again, we are pleased to have a good
turn-out of scholars joining us. Whether this is your first major
research project or your fifth, this is a chance you won't want to miss!

The Cognition in the Rough workshop will award three scholarships of $ 500
each for outstanding proposals submitted to the workshop: North-American
faculty, International (faculty or doctoral) and doctoral (international
or domestic).

Sponsored by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division at the
annual Academy of Management meetings in Seattle, WA, the workshop will be
held on Sunday, August 3rd from 8:30 AM - 12 PM.

Details on submission can be found below.

We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!

Sucheta Nadkarni University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Marc H. Anderson University of Minnesota
Joe Gerard State University of New York Institute of
Marie Dasborough University of Queensland
Call for Proposals
Academy of Management Conference
Sunday, August 3, 2003
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

WHO: This roundtable is open to all doctoral students and
recent graduates (within five years) who are doing research
related to managerial and organizational cognition.

WHAT: Your submission should include the following four

I. Brief abstract (not to exceed 150 words) and up to
four keywords

II. Overview of research (not to exceed 1500 words)

Research topic
Conceptual framework
Research questions
Anticipated contributions to research/practice
Key findings (if research is complete)

III. Challenges (the area on which you would like to focus
discussion) (not to exceed 250 words)

IV. References


Submissions due: June 1, 2003
Send to:

Acceptance notices sent: July 14, 2003

Workshop: Sunday, August 3, 2003, 8:30 AM - 12 PM


Fran Ackermann Elena Antonacopoulou Neal Ashkanasy Pam
Michel Bougon Andrea Casey Janet Dukerich Colin Eden
Dov Eden Marlene Fiol Bill Glick Gerard
George Huber Lynn Isabella Gerry Johnson Steve Mezias
Frances Milliken Susan Mohammed Susan Schneider
        Majken Schultz
Sim Sitkin Kathie Sutcliffe Robert Zmud

Please feel free to contact any of the Cognition in the Rough
Coordinators if you have questions.

Sucheta Nadkarni Marc H. Anderson Joe Gerard
        Marie Dasborough
Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln Univ. of Minnesota SUNY
Institute of Technology Univ. of Queensland


Joseph Gerard <>

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