PDW Casewriting Workshop LO30334

From: Joan Winn (jwinn@du.edu)
Date: 07/08/03

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, August 2, from 8am-noon, CC room
611 (session #66), for a workshop on:

Developing Case Studies: Building Skills to Write Cases for Teaching and

Many academicians think that case research lacks the rigor and depth of
analysis associated with traditional academic research. Often, however, a
well-researched and presented case has the rigor needed to qualify as
insightful research. While these tend not to have multi-company or
comprehensive industry data, they often have a depth that may be lacking
in more traditional forms of academic research. The analysis is
incorporated into the instructor's manual or teaching note, which should
refer to relevant theories and associated research.

The purpose of this interactive workshop is to (1) illustrate the
legitimacy of case research as scholarship and professional development by
examining the relationship between case research and traditional
qualitative methodologies, (2) share tips and techniques for gaining
company access and compiling relevant information, (3) outline methods for
preparation and publication of pedagogically-useful case studies, and (4)
provide guidance for achieving institutional objectives and obtaining
institutional support for case development. Participants will be guided
in the case writing and publication process. All workshop materials are
free of charge.

Facilitators for this workshop are Joan Winn, David Wylie, and William
Naumes, experienced case writers, reviewers, and editors, who have given
seminars in case writing, case research, and case teaching. They have all
engaged in interdisciplinary case-writing and are active members of the
North American Case Research Association.

Joan Winn, University of Denver, has written several case studies on
women-owned businesses in the US and in the Czech Republic. She is on the
editorial review boards for the Case Research Journal, Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice and the Journal of Management Education, all of which
publish teaching cases and/or methodologies. She has held offices in the
Western Casewriters Association, the North American Case Research
Association, and the U.S. Association for Small Business &

David Wylie, director of Babson College Case Publishing, has written over
60 case studies and conducted case workshops in the U.S., Europe, and
Asia. David was recently elected to the board of directors of NACRA and
appointed to the WACRA Committee on Standard Setting. The goals of this
committee include promoting case method research and application as
scholarship, identifying quality attributes in case method research and
application. He has also started and is facilitating an on-line case
writing workshop at http://www.casewriting.org.

William Naumes, University of New Hampshire, has developed cases in
northern Europe and Asia and is former editor of the Case Research
Journal. He has written over 50 cases published in various journals,
proceedings, and more than 15 textbooks including seven of his own. He is
the co-author of The Art and Craft of Case Writing (Sage, 1999).

Workshop Format This workshop will be interactive, with the panelists
presenting some basic issues in case research and development followed by
audience participation and discussion of how they can incorporate these
methods in their own institutions.

 Session outline:
 1. Case writing as a gateway to professional development, academic
research, and pedagogical excellence
 2. Criteria for case research as scholarship: differentiating case
research from other qualitative methodologies
 3. Primary and secondary case research methodologies -- planning,
preparation and field work
 4. Pulling it together to achieve pedagogical, research, and
institutional objectives and obtaining institutional support for case
 5. Filling the support gap between inspiration and publication -
networking and resources.

Target Audience: This workshop is directed toward tenure-track and adjunct
faculty in all disciplines. It is most relevant to those faculty who are
engaged in or who would like to engage in research that brings relevance
to their classroom and involves local businesses.

Please do not hesitate to direct inquiries to:

Joan Winn: jwinn@du.edu
David Wylie: wylie@babson.edu
Bill Naumes: bill.naumes@unh.edu


Joan Winn <jwinn@du.edu>

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