Replying to LO30354 --
Dear Fred,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject of energy balances in
and around an organisation.
You started with something else:
> Fascinating, Leo. Years ago I created a rather large tree structure of
> general energy equations that resonates with what you've just posted. To
> my regret and chagrin, I misplaced them. I can see them still: little
> tree charts scrawled on a small yellow note pad. Perhaps I'll try to
> reconstruct them.
Was what you had done in the past an example of Ew (Energy wasted)? ;-))
How many of us have experienced this. Thoughts and insights from the past
are lost and the threshold to do it again is sometimes fairly high.
Moreover, there is the fear thatt the renewed results will not give the
satisfaction which the results in the past have generated. I think that
withh me some 5 or 6 times complete reports were lost because of network
breakdowns or energy (!) (=electricity) failures, or because of a stupid
action of myself. However, my experiences with 'doing it again' is that it
is a good exercise in the reconstruction of the meandering paths of the
thouoghts off the past. It enhaces conscious thinking.
However your main issue was the energy of an organisation which could be
used for several purposes.
For my own comprehension, I made a small list of your abriviations:
Ep - Energy for expenditure
Ee - Energy expended
Ew - wasted energy
Ea - available energy
Er - energy reserves
Et - Total energy
Em - Energy for maintanance
Epr - Energy for production
Ew - Energy for work
Eo - Energy for other purposes
I think I got the main message, but I became a bit confused what the
differences are between Ep, Ea, Er, and Et; betweee Epr and Ework (btw Ew
was also Energy wasted; it could be humor, but I don't think it was ment
to be ;-)).
Fred, pleasee think also of the wasted energy. You are right that in each
process there is always some of the energy 'lost'. However, energy is in
fact never wasted or lost. The only thing is that some of the energy is
used for things which are concidered as waste, such as heat, noise, etc.
For instance, a completely useless meeting in a company (are there useful
meetings anyway in these days :-)), is not waste. At least it could create
new relationships, (negative) exitement, etc. All are elements wich have
to do with the maintanance, or survival, or internal structure of the
I hope you are able to 'reconstruct' your thoughts from the past, because
I am curious and I think they might be of importance.
Leo Minnigh
--"leo minnigh" <>
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