Replying to LO30382 --
"AM de Lange" <> wrote:
> But let me first explain what Buzan's Mind Mapping is about. Long before
> him, even in previous centuries, some writers used a numerical scheme to
> do mind mapping. It worked like this:
> - - Main Idea
> (After each heading, some text follows)
> 1 Concept A
> 1.1 Sub-concept Aa
> 1.2 Sub-concept Ab
> 1.3 Sub-concept Ac
Not going back quite so far as you did, that sounds like Wittgenstein's
approach in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
--Bill Harris 3217 102nd Place SE Facilitated Systems Everett, WA 98208 USA phone: +1 425 337-5541
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