Replying to LO30391 --
Dear Organlearners,
Andrew Campbell < > wrote:
>I imagine dear At, that what is said below would apply not just
>to an <individual> but to a family, a group, a tribe, a clan, a
>community, an organization, a state, a country...
>"People (as natural systems) can only behave healthily to mental,
>emotional and physical pressures or disturbances when he or she
>has and recognises he or she has the capacity to ''self regulate''.
>Many managers don't appreciate that under any amount of stress
>at a certain threshold, working at limits of wellbeing this capacity
>becomes destabilised, and it may jump unexpectedly to a new,
>more stable state. In severe cases the person may break down
>James Lovelock
Greetings dear Andrew,
It will happen wherever learners have to behave like parrots or puppets in
their schools. Why cannot the teachers involved get it into their heads
that the act of learning is sacred?
>Events, upon the global stage, are entering a new ''state'' of
>''play'' in my humble estimation. Oh! Were that it were a play!
>And how very much of what you have put forward here from
>the backgrounds of science and art is containing of that drama?
>How elegant, beautiful and now symmetric the patterning events
>unfolding presence to us.
>Events, upon a much smaller stage, not more than a few
>miles from my cottage were played out, at Harrow Hill.
>In memory of Dr. Kelly
Yes, it is a great tragedy when leaders think that some things are so
important that some people whom they have power over must die for it. Why
cannot they get it in their heads that life is sacred!
>It is ''strange'' dear At, because Rick and I were, only a few
>days ago, entering into a ''private dialogue'', about the
>preparedness to die for that and those things we truly believe in.
We have to LIVE for what we believe in otherwise we cannot become prepared
for death which may come along sooner than expected. Living with death
looking over the shoulder helps one to focus on the things which are
vitally important.
>At, a last thought, How many children would have died
>last night of hunger, disease and want in the whole world,
>through no choice, but through the hammering of our lofty
So many that i become physically sick when just thinking about them.
A few days ago it was Nelson Mandela's 85th anniversary of his birthday.
People from all over the world paid tribute to him and his unique
leadership qualities. I have not read nor heard it all. But i have not
read or heard how he treated all children with astounding respect. He
would never do anything which would endanger the life of even one child.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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