Knowledge Management Educational Survey LO30408

From: Mark W. McElroy (
Date: 07/23/03

Replying to LO30379 --

Dear LO Friends:
For those of you who have not yet chimed in with your response to our 'KM
Educational Needs Survey,' please do so now before the survey is
concluded. Once again, KMCI has entered into an educational alliance with
the University of Vermont (UVM), and so we're conducting this survey with
UVM to try and get a handle on what Knowledge Management practitioners
(i.e., YOU!) need and want in terms of training and educational programs.
Just click on the link below and you'll be taken to a quick online
survey instrument at UVM:
Thanks for your input, and stay tuned for the results!
Mark W. McElroy
President, KMCI


"Mark W. McElroy" <>

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