Greetings -
This message is an invitation to the NYC - KM ClusterŪ
[] Fall 2003 Retreat - "21st Century KM."
The gathering is on September 26th, 2003 in midtown Manhattan, New York
City, New York, USA, from 8AM - 5PM.
The NYC - KM ClusterŪ Fall 2003 Community Retreat event is open to all.
The Website is:
Pre-registration is required. Use the link below for simple Web
registration to guarantee your reservation. There is a small event
21st Century KM - Background and Agenda
It is generally accepted that the practice of knowledge management (KM)
debuted sometime in the 20th Century. Of course, the leadership and
management focus of the last hundred years was mostly concerned with
expanding and controlling the physical and mechanical properties of
economic production. Management practices involving people, process and
technology to fundamentally advance the intellectual capacity of people
and effectiveness of knowledge-intensive organizations became prevalent
only in the second half of the century.
The 20th Century framework of business thinking was derived from
reductionism, mechanics, hierarchy and linear physical models, for
example. These models produced the most spectacular economic growth in the
history of civilization. However, in rapidly expanding knowledge-based
economies, these rigid, deductive models are not meeting the needs of
business leaders or stakeholders. Rather, it has been discovered that
entirely new, holistic, social and biological structures offer far better
models of how the knowledge-based world actually works. These improved,
inductive models elaborate how economic growth is sustained and improved
in knowledge-intensive societies.
Unfortunately, as is always the case, un-learning the past is
extraordinarily difficult. This is particularly true for established
organizations striving to transform into knowledge-based organizations.
Open-loop knowledge archetypes, technology preponderance, tangible focus,
and pedantic training systems, for example, are just some of the 21st
Century knowledge-based enterprise artifacts that trace their problematic
origins from 20th Century models. See the Website further examples.
Through deliberate and focused effort, organizations have begun to adopt a
21st Century focus in leading their knowledge-intensive environments. The
KM ClusterŪ NYC will closely examine this spectacular economic and
behavioral transformation.
By popular demand of the local Metropolitan Area KM Cluster community, an
outstanding line-up of business thought leaders, executives, practitioners
and experts has been assembled in a day-long format.
The motive is to colonize the theme of 21st Century KM. The objective is to
derive the critical behaviors, models, frameworks and Next Practices
essential to this knowledge-based transformation and to sharply improve
the value creating capacity of all knowledge-intensive environments.
21st Century KM - Agenda
Join your colleagues at the NYC - KM ClusterŪ Fall 2003 Retreat - "21st
Century KM" on September 26th, 2003 in midtown Manhattan, New York City,
New York, USA, from 8AM - 5PM from these global organizations:
Bain & Company
Cisco Systems
Institute for the Future
Lawrence Liv Nat'l Lab
US Air Force
...and many other top organizations.
Participation is limited to maximize interaction and constructive problem
solving. You are encouraged to register today to guarantee your
reservation. Pre-registration is required. Event tuition covers meals,
refreshments, materials, equipment and logistics.
See you at the NYC - KM ClusterŪ Fall 2003 Retreat - "21st Century KM" on
September 26th, 2003 in midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA!
NYC KM Cluster Community Sponsors
Knowledge Management Cluster
--"KM Cluster" <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.