Mind mapping LO30416

From: e2jasonsmith@canada.com
Date: 07/25/03

Replying to LO30403 --

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:11:45 +0100, "Philip Keogh" wrote:

> Mind Mapping. I use it. I think I use it successfully
> it helps me. It's
> just a shame I didn't start to use it years ago.

I'm a heavy user of this technique and also learned it later in life that
I might have liked. Such is the way of things sometimes.

> Similarly, flowcharts. They can be constructed using "formal" or
> "informal" methods. One cannot guarantee to capture everything.

I often use several styles of depiction concurrently to represent needs,
processes, requirements, etc.

Jason Smith <><



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