...to look upon is enough (Whitman) LO30427

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@postino.up.ac.za)
Date: 07/29/03

Replying to LO30420 --

Dear Organlearners,

Andrew Cambell < ACampnona@aol.com > wrote:

>Dear At, dear LO
>My knowledge of Goethe is/was rather limited to his effects
>on certain art movements, and the work of the Schumacher
>College here in Devon.
>Any artist would have an intuitive like of Goethe's non invasive,
>non dissecting methodology. Paul Klee and Joseph Beuys
>spring to mind.

Greetings dear Andrew,

I call someone who follows this "non invasive, non dissecting methodology"
the "detached observer". It means that the observer has to honour
absolutely the integrity of the system. It is very powerful to learn more
about animal societies in nature. It is also very powerful to learn more
about all the loops of learning. Just observe profoundly and do not
interfere at all costs.

Its complement is the "attached observer". For example, join the learner
and learn together while observing closely what happens, but again do not
interfere with the learner's free energy. It is somewhat like action
research, except for the requirement "do not interfere with the learner's
free energy".

In other words, "internal reflection" and "external action" are the two
complements here.

The animal world follows a curious order between the two. Should a human
begin with "external action", they will get afraid and either flee or
attack. But should the human begin with "internal reflection", they will
eventually get used to that human. Many species will then become
interested in that human. First they will act as detached observers,
noticing every move made. When there is still no danger, they will begin
to act as attached observers. It is then when human and animal emerge into
a greater whole.

I suspect that Goethe would have loved to observe the many different
animal societies in Southern Africa in the manner above.

Should Goethe have lived today, i think he would also have had a lot to
say on the "metamorphosis of knowledge". I myself picture this
metamorphosis as: experience => tacit knowledge => articulated knowledge
=> wisdom

>May I most humbly recommend anyone here read Otto's fascinating
>papers at his web site, take some time to digest, let some
>metempsychosis happen, then reflect upon these words written by
>Beuys the artist in,
>[Host's Note: http://www.ottoscharmer.com/menu.htm ..Rick]

Thank you Andrew and Rick for the information above. I have glanced
through a few of them and i liked Scharmer's world view. When i find the
time, i will study them more closely.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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