Of learning and things LO30424

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@postino.up.ac.za)
Date: 07/29/03

Replying to LO30417 --

Dear Organlearners,

Dennis Rolleston <dennisr@ps.gen.nz> wrote

>I'm still intrigued by the thrust and parry of learning philosophies,
>theories and experiences on this list and I want to tell you a story
>(or paint a picture Andrew) to give you the context of mine.

Learning is the act which makes humans different from all other animal
species. It is a tragedy that millions of learners all over the world get
so little guidance in how to learn, why to learn and when to learn. They
are simply overwhelmed with what to learn.

>.... [I] was passed-over for promotion/transferred to other
>deparments because of my refusal to "kowtow" (kiss butt)
>for want of a better description.

This makes you my hero.

>In my struggle I was always of the opinion that our education
>system was such that it was not possible for an individual to
>"transcend" (reach potential) by journeying through it.

It is sad, but true. Sieve the failures out rather than help them to
become successes.

>I am a great believer in life long learning.

Me too.

>I have had many ups and downs in the last ten years and the
>ups - (my students achieving and going on to bigger and better
>things) - have been sufficient to cancel and more than
>compensate for the downs.

It has been for me like that too since 1972.

>I am proud of my achievements in the training and development
>field. I am extremely aware that overconfidence can easily turn
>to arrogance thus limiting my ability to assist people on their
>learning journeys. I constantly seek feedback directly and
>indirectly. I am always grateful for the people with the courage
>to show me the mirror - (keeps me firmly on the ground) - yet
>there is still the egoistical question "am I enough".

This paragraph ought to be copied into large letters and put against the
wall of every teacher/lecturer's office.

>Last week I got the results of my final exam for my final paper
>of a 21 paper double major Bachelor of Business Studies
>- I passed.

Congratulations. It take guts to stick to an outlined course and not give
in to parrotry. It take guts to learn while having to cope with a full
time job. It is such guts which motivate others!

>Denis Waitley in his book "Seeds of Greatness" says
>"how can you hope to ignite a flame in someone else's
>heart if at first the fire does not burn brightly within your

True! Sadly too many are those who throw water upon the fire of learning.

>Andrew, I still don't know how to paint yet I continue
>to paint 'my' picture.

You have painted a great picture. Here in Southern Africa (i.e., countries
south of the Sahara) hundreds of millions of its indigenous peoples (some
half billion in total) have lost the fire of learning in their hearts. The
world is usually classified in 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries. This
morning i read a tragic article on status of education in Southern Africa.
It calls this subcontinent now the 4th world. With barely a million people
like you it can escape its present predicament.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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