Regional Event Community Invitations LO30435

From: KM ClusterŪ (
Date: 07/30/03

Greetings -

This message is a special invitation to three exciting regional KM
ClusterŪ community events in September 2003. This is a long message
suitable for printing.

Special early registration is now available for each of these KM Cluster
community events.

Silicon Valley: "Next Practices: KM and Organizational Learning" -
Toronto, Canada: "The Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise" -
New York City: "21st Century KM" -

Each event has a outstanding line-up of top thought leaders, business
executives, researchers and KM practitioners. To review the event agendas,
and for secure Web registration, please use the links below. Events
fill-up fast because participation is limited.

About the KM Cluster
The KM Cluster is a community founded in the San Francisco Bay Area and
Silicon Valley in 1998. The focus is knowledge management (KM), enterprise
collaboration (EC) and electronic business communities. The KM Cluster
sponsors and leads popular community events in the Bay Area and beyond.
Membership in the KM Cluster and its on-line community is free.

The KM Cluster is devoted to creating a common understanding, shared
vision and focused action regarding applied KM and EC for business.

The strategy driving our community and quarterly events is triangulation
between academia, business leaders and practioners to maximize the
effective application of KM, EC and its exponents to business.

Efforts span methods, systems and practices involving people, processes,
and technology. Results are achieved by sharing, collaboration and by
adopting ideas and techniques from thought leaders in industry, research
and practice. The end result provides practical, effective application of
KM & EC to business.

The community is vendor-agnostic and receives support only from

The KM Cluster community model is very popular. The value set is as

- Affordability, convenience and community
- Exceptional future-focused speakers and themes
- Open, conversational and social interaction style
- Outstanding venues, logistics, catering and settings
- Well-paced, with lots of time for ad hoc interaction
- Vendors agnostic, no product or framework bias

Please see the events listed below. All are welcome.

Secure pre-registration is now open and required for the outstanding Fall
2003 KM Cluster community event line-up. Use the links below for simple
Web registration and to guarantee your reservation. As usual, there is a
small event tuition to cover materials, refreshments, meals, registration
and related logistical costs.

About the KM Cluster - Testimonials

SF Bay Area and Silicon Valley KM Cluster - Next Practices: KM and
Organizational Learning
The SF Bay Area and Silicon Valley KM Cluster - "Next Practices in KM/OL"
event is Friday, Sept 19th, 2003 from 8AM to 5PM in San Francisco,
California, USA.

With the Fall 2003 event we are pleased to introduce the "Next Practices"
series. Next practices are future-focused approaches to business
opportunities. Unlike the controversial and so-called "Best Practices,"
the concepts and models of Next Practices are emergent. Next Practices
arise from learnings about the future, not the past. In a world where the
"fast eat the slow," Next Practices are critical to deliberately creating
a more effective future state, greater competitiveness and sustained

Among the most important areas for enterprise Next Practices are
approaches to learning and competence. Often saddled with inflexible
models for training, focused on delivery and consumption, and running
inflexible learning 'systems,' the enterprise opportunities for sharp
improvements in organizational learning are immense.

The Fall 2003 KM Cluster, in a 4-month partnership with the outstanding
eLearning Forum [], has been examining the
intersection of KM and Learning. This effort will culminate with the KM
Cluster event, September 19, 2003, in San Francisco.

To review the agenda, and for simple, secure Web registration and to
guarantee your reservation, please use the link below.

SF Bay Area and Silicon Valley KM Cluster "Next Practices in KM/OL" -

Toronto KM Cluster - The Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise
The Toronto KM Cluster - "The Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise," is September
24, 2003 in Toronto, Canada from 8AM-5PM.

To prosper in today's economy it is critical to manage enterprise
knowledge from the outside-in not from the inside-out. The introspective
corporate strategies, tactics and centralized information systems of the
past don't hold water in the new knowledge-intensive environments of

Leading executives, professionals and knowledge managers are slowly
mastering this key shift. They strive to validate and enhance zones of
collaboration, sharing, learning, context and community for people across
today's longitudinal enterprise value-chain.

Quite simply, the new organizing foundation for the enterprise is the
networked marketplace. In the future, business collaboration will surpass
competition and rivalry as the key tool for sustained business
development, wealth creation and innovation. The top organizations will
ease the ability to instantly craft the knowledge nexus and continuously
drive frictionless, real-time inter-firm knowledge environments.

Every strata of the enterprise must implement the new networked value
ethos of interactive reconnaissance, synthesis, innovation and
performance. They must establish interactive, self-managing processes and
teams. These new processes are network proximate and operate preemptively.
Leaders must assure these robust, fail-safe knowledge networks are
adaptive and their processes excel instantly, perpetually and globally.

The Toronto KM Cluster has assembled a terrific team of experts to examine
the future of the "Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise," on September 24, 2003
in Toronto, Canada from 8AM-5PM.

To review the agenda, and for simple, secure Web registration and to
guarantee your reservation, please use the link below.

Toronto KM Cluster - The Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise - Agenda

New York City KM Cluster - 21st Century KM
The NYC KM Cluster - "21st Century KM" community event is on September
26th, 2003 in midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA, from 8AM -

It is generally accepted that the practice of knowledge management (KM)
debuted sometime in the 20th Century.

Management practices involving people, process and technology to
fundamentally advance the intellectual capacity of people and
effectiveness of knowledge-intensive organizations is relatively new.

The 20th Century framework of business thinking was derived from
reductionism, mechanics, hierarchy and linear physical models, for
example. These often rigid, deductive models are not meeting the
future-focused needs of 21st century business leaders or stakeholders.

Rather, it has been discovered that entirely new, holistic, social and
biological structures offer far better models of how the knowledge-based
world actually works. These improved, inductive models elaborate how
economic growth is sustained and improved in knowledge-intensive

By popular demand of the local Metropolitan Area KM Cluster community, an
outstanding line-up of business thought leaders, executives, practitioners
and experts has been assembled in a day-long format.

The motive is to colonize the theme of 21st Century KM. The objective is
to derive the critical behaviors, models, frameworks and Next Practices
essential to this knowledge-based transformation and to sharply improve
the value creating capacity of all knowledge-intensive environments.

To review the agenda, and for simple, secure Web registration and to
guarantee your reservation, please use the link below.

NYC - "21st Century KM" - Agenda


Join your colleagues from these respected global organizations at a KM
Cluster community event:

Bain & Company
Cisco Systems
Deloitte Touche
Institute for the Future
Lawrence Liv Nat'l Lab
US Air Force

...and many other top organizations.

Participation is limited to maximize interaction and constructive problem
solving. You are encouraged to register today to guarantee your
reservation. Pre-registration is required. Event tuition covers meals,
refreshments, materials, equipment and logistics. Events fill-up fast
because participation is limited.

Best wishes to all for a safe and pleasant summer.

See you in September at the KM Cluster!


Regional KM Cluster Community Leaders

John T. Maloney
Knowledge Management Cluster


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