Replying to LO30581 --
If one has knowledge, it can only be exhibited via action. Even if that
action is talking or writing, it is still action.
I am attempting to distinguish knowledge from information. I do not think
anyone is confusing knowledge with action. The are related, and one is
the only way to express the other. Outside of mind reading mind you.
In a message dated 9/17/2003 12:35:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> >At base, if you are saying that knowledge is the same as action
> >(albeit 'effective' action), then the definition you offer mistakenly
> >confuses knowledge with action. (I believe we've been over this
> >ground before). Previously, I gave you examples of how different
> >knowledge could lead to the same action, thereby exposing the
> >fallacy of the claim that knowledge and action are always one and
> >the same. I don't recall seeing your response to that.
Best regards,
Hal Popplewell
Chairman and CEO
AgentWare Systems, Inc.
186 East Main Street - Suite 300
Northville, Michigan 48167
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