The cashew fruit LO30600

From: leo minnigh (
Date: 09/18/03

Replying to LO30582 --

Dear At,

I cannot resist the following temptation:

> Leo, just to complete the picture, with what kind of fruit will you
> associate a person with self-centered pride? I would propose a Brazil nut
> tree, but will describe my reasons only when some fellow learner wants it.

At, I doubt and have difficulties to choose (choices are life-filling and
I realise more and more that my brains are not programmed for making
decisions; but this is/was another thread of this list :-).

What are my difficulties? Shall I concentrate on form, or on content; and
shall I take the position of a self-centered proud person; or the observer
of this person?

And thus I was thinking of a tiny and thorny plant with a poisoness fruit
surrounded by a healthy colourfull vegetation, or a huge lonely tree with
enourmous armoured fruits wich overlooks its surroundings of small
uninterestig plants (something like a mixture of the baobab and
babasu-palm tree).

Maybe the self-centered person is like a wine grape - you can bear it if
taken with care, but become drunk and dizzy if you consume too much.

At, shall we leave this person and look for the beauty of diversity?

Leo Minnigh


"leo minnigh" <>

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