I teach a course on thinking skills at Conestoga College in Kitchener
Ontario, Canada. As a final term project, my students are conducting an
innovation audit to determine what generic management activities are in
place in corporations to foster and promote innovation, as well as inhibit
innovation and creativity.
The survey is a short version of a comprehensive 1-2 week field audit.
We initially planned to approach 60 firms (one for each student) in the
Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Guelph area of Canada. We've been partially
successful. We still need about 30 companies and we are inviting any
interested organizations to join our survey to complement our total and
give each student the opportunity to conduct a survey
You will be contacted by one of our students in the next two weeks, if you
agree to participate.
This will require about a half hour of your time to circle your level of
innovation activity in each one of the 23 scaled areas on our survey.
The survey covers:
Idea Diffusion
Concept/Product/Service innovation
Product/Service Development
Process Innovation
Technology Acquisition
Human Resources
Financial Resources
Use of innovation Systems & Tools
In response we will show your firm how you measure up to other
participants in the survey and in your industry group.
To insure privacy and confidential nature of the information, all results
and student reports will be done by reporting a client number only and not
the identity of the participating firm.
To qualify, we are looking for firms with over 100 employees and who have
been in existence for over 5 years. Each survey will focus on one
particular SBU (Strategic business unit) that offers a product or service
to a customer.
We welcome firms from all sectors (no restrictions)
A company can participate several times if they have several separate
business units.
If your firm is located outside of the Conestoga College area, we ask that
you agree to absorb any long distance telephone calls or fax charges that
might be incurred by our students while conducting the survey.
The Deadline to get your name on our participation list is Monday April
To participate, please call Walter Derzko in Toronto at (416) 588-1122.
If I'm not in, leave your name, title, company (division), what your
produce or service you provide, tel, fax and email if any on the answering
I'll then fax you a copy of the survey. (sorry it's not available via
Thank you in advance
Walter Derzko
Conestoga College in Kitchener
(416) 588-1122 in Canada
--Walter Derzko <wd@itrc.on.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>