Experiences In Leadership LO13123 -Seminar June 1-5, Hancock MA

John H. Dicus (jdicus@ourfuture.com)
Sat, 05 Apr 1997 13:02:45 -0500

I would like to invite you to attend a unique leadership seminar called
"Experiences In Leadership."

It will be held at Jiminy Peak in Hancock, MA on June 1-5, 1997.

Participants will create/script/enact their preferred future of

While we spend much time talking about creating Learning Organizations
with the resulting leadership challenges and opportunities, it seems that
we don't spend as much time "practicing" what it means to design, lead,
and work in these new organizations... organizations where the desired
shifts have already begun to take place.

"Experiences in Leadership" not only provides the format to dialogue about
the shifts in consciousness and practice, but also the format, or learning
container, to engage the whole "being" in living/enacting these shifts

Peter Vaill suggested in "Managing as a Performing Art", that we are
becoming competent at surfacing mental models... but in the midst of
increasingly rapid change, we aren't able to incorporate the "new" with
the "old," taking the modified models back "down" into our subconscious as
collectively shared guiding principles... ones that can achieve
"coordinated-action-at-a-distance" in an organization. We end up keeping
everything at a "conscious" level... in a sense staying in a state of
constant interruption to the flow. "Experiences in Leadership" allows
participants to create and experience a new common culture of choice...
allowing it to guide and instruct us.

The seminar will be catalyzed by an array of leadership thought such as
that contained in "Synchronicity," "Servant Leadership," "Stewardship," "A
Simpler Way," "Corporate Tides," "The Web of Connection," "Leading With
Soul," and others The similarity and the diversity in thought will be held
in constructive tension as participants bring their experience, insights,
knowledge, and dreams together to help "create" the future.

For more information and a printed invitation...

Email John Dicus at jdicus@ourfuture.com, or write to John Dicus, 2761
Stiegler Road, Valley City OH 44280.

The invitation to Experiences in Leadership is on-line at our LO website
http://www.ourfuture.com (we would also welcome your comments on how to
make the website of more value as a teaching/learning site.)


John Dicus | email: jdicus@ourfuture.com CornerStone Consulting Associates | http://www.ourfuture.com LO Consulting, Facilitation, Training | Open Space Technology, Community Building 800-773-8017, fax (330) 725-2728

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>