In a message dated 97-04-04 22:27:54 EST, At writes:
> If anyone of us is beginning to trust himself/ herself, then this person is
> not learning about himself/herself anymore. If each of us is beginning to
> trust his/her own creativity, then this person has lost the spirit of
> creativity.
Dear Group: I beg to differ. I believe the purpose of trusting "the
self" is not because there is any hope of being "right" about anything.
The purpose of self-trust is that such a process provides the only chance
we've got to learn from happens next, as we act upon our self-created
visions of future which are integrated with our creative interpretations
of the past (our "appreceptive schema"). "True believers" almost always
seem to get caught up in their own "self-righteousness" which then
inhibits generative growth as a human.
Warm regards, David David L. Hanson, Ph.D.
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