Intro -- Cornie Malan LO13139

Cornie Malan (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:18:34 +0200

After lurking in the silence of cyberspace for a few
weeks, hello!

I am going to comment about you (LO)
before introducing myself.

- I find the LO extremely stimulating. It is a huge
relief to find dialogue on a list. The automatic indexing
of messages could improve.
- After reading the fith discipline, I find
not all the disciplines represented equally. Some
- Perhaps we need a systemic language that is
easy to understand, and easy to email, to improve
dialogue about systems.
- I would find a periodical interesting. Included
in this could be the introduction, and some reading
material. What about including a anti-LO reference list?

My name is Cornie, I am an afrikaans male, professional electrical
engineer working for a utilities company in South Africa.

Up to six months ago, I coudn't even spell transtition, now
it forms the major portion of what I do dayly. It is strange
how fate plays a part in our lives. After thirty-something years
of Newtonian universe education, I learned about the other
dimensions of life. I now realize that the these different
universes are not mutally exclusive, and that living consist
of living in all.

I am married, with a six month old boy. We are one anothers' joy.

My personal vision is at the moment only a concept in my (our?)
mind. I will not try and formulate it accurately, as it is in a state
of flux, to keep up with my personal growth. A few concepts seem
to re-appear.

One of them is ubuntu. The other is eldership or shamanism or
something like it. A third one would address the responsibility,
property (spere of influence) conflict in me. But lets give it a

As an insignificant part of humanity, I will accept full
responsibility for our action, and try to use my awareness and
abilities to find universal benefit.

I do think it sounds much too important..., still needs some work...

My mental models at this stage are heavily influenced by my
recent reading. It includes:

- Arnold Mindell; Leader as Martial artist;
One of the few works I could find about Group Phychology.
I also read "Sitting in the Fire", and a few others

- William Bridges; Managing Transtitions;
An important work about change. Of the same author,
"Jobshift", the article, or the book is interesting.

- Peter Senge; The Fith Discipline (and the Fieldbook);
A must.

- Richard Dawkins; The Selfish Gene;
A popular Biology work. I found the "The Extended Fenotype"
too technical.

- Carl Jung; Memories, Dreams, and Reflections;
Well worth reading, I found that it filled a
lot of gaps I had about the social sciences. It
opened up even more!

- Don Beck; Spiral Dynamics;
I found it interesting when I started reading. It
is only a starting point.

I enjoy you company.


Thanks, Cornie Malan (+27)11-871-2277 Cornie Malan <>

PS: Show up, be aware, tell the truth, and don't panic!

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