10th European Workshop on Knowledge
Acquisition, Modeling, and Management
Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain
October 15 - 18, 1997
The EKAW is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling
and managing knowledge, and with their role in the construction of
knowledge-intensive systems. Submissions are invited on relevant topics,
including but not restricted to:
o Languages and frameworks for knowledge acquisition, modeling, and
o Tools and techniques for knowledge acquisition, modeling, and
o Acquiring knowledge through machine learning, data-mining and knowledge
discovery in databases.
o Knowledge acquisition and management for enterprise modeling and
corporate memories.
o Methods and techniques for reuse of knowledge and knowledge models, in
particular related to the construction, maintenance and use of
supporting libraries
o Knowledge acquisition, modeling, and management over the Internet.
o Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge acquisition, modeling, and
o Evaluations of knowledge acquisition, modeling, and management
techniques, tools and methods.
Workshop attendance will be limited to 40 participants, one author for
each paper accepted. Accepted papers will be published in Springer's
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Important dates
Submission deadline: 15 April 1997
Notification of acceptance: 15 June 1997
Camera ready copy and author registration due: 15 July 1997
Workshop: 15-18 October 1997
More information and the full CFP are available at EKAW-97's webpage
at http://www.acia.org/ekaw/ or can be obtained by sending an email to
_/ _/ _/_| Dr. V.R. (Richard) Benjamins
/ _/ _/ _| IIIA - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
_/ _/___| CSIC - Spanish Scientific Research Council
_/ _/____| Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
/ _/ _| 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Voice: +34 3 5809570 Fax.: +34 3 5809661
richard@iiia.csic.es http://www.iiia.csic.es/~richard
Home is where the heart is ...
--"EKAW'97" <ekaw97@sinera.iiia.csic.es>
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