Leon Conrad wrote on 08 Apr in LO13155
on the subject: Intro -- Cornie Malan
> Finally, what is ubuntu? Please email me if I have asked something that
> has already been aired on the list.
Cornie, please tell us all what ubuntu means and what value it may have to
any Learning Organisation. I have already pepared some draft message on
this topic, but have not yet made an effort to finish it. I have reported
on some of the customs and paradigms typical of the peoples of Africa, but
I fear that some of these reports may be percieved as too negative. I
think that you will make a better job of explaining ubuntu.
I will be away for 10 days to enjoy another way of living in the desert.
Best wishes
At de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre for Education University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa email: amdelange@gold.up.ac.za
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