sorry that I send this mail first before introducing myself. I have been
reading the contributions for some time (almost 1,5 years), but never
managed to send an introdution.
Well, briefly: 28 years, female German student at Maastricht University
in the Netherlands, currently member of the National Committee of AIESEC
Italy (term ends on June 30). I will graduate with a Masters' degree in
International Economics in March 98. My interest in the learning list
stems from the fact that I am part of one huge learning organisation,
and always eager to know more about what's going on in the world. Many
of the discussion on the list have given me some good input for my work
regarding the education of (young) members of our association.
But today, I want to communicate the following:
>From 16 -20 April, AIESEC Italy will hold its
*** Italian Leadership Development Seminar ***
near Bari, Southern Italy.
On April 16, at 9 a.m. we will have a conference under the title 'The
21st Century Citizen', with some external guests from univeristy and the
business sector, and of course the delegates of the conference, 160
students mainly from Italy, but also some other countries.
On April 18, we will have a small panel discussion with some Italian
exports and our audience of 160 university students (mostly from Italy,
but also some from Costa Rica, Yugoslavia, Algeria) on Entrepreneurship,
Corporate Social Responsibility, Information and Society, Cultural
Understanding, and.... Higher Education and Learning!
If anyone of you subscribed to this list would be interested to join us
for one or both events, please contact the National Committee of AIESEC Italy
for more detailed information.
You can reach us at or by fax +39-2-39210053 and
phone +39-2-39210053 until Sunday evening 21.00 hrs local time. Please
mention in the subject line 'ILDS - for Uli'
After Sunday, you can contact us at fax +39-80-6902962 at Hotel Torre
Cintola in Capitolo, Monopoli (BA).
for information on AIESEC, please have a look at our homepage at
greetings from Italy,
Ulrike von Ruecker
* Have a nice day!!! *
AIESEC ITALY National Committee
Via Andora, 4
20148 Milano
Phone +39-2-39210053
Fax +39-2-33002178
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