Leon suggests,
"My answer to the first question, therefore, is 'you know it when you see
it'. Just as Senge states no company claiming to be an LO can be, unless
that observation is shared by its observers, and no Christian (Jew,
Buddhist, etc.) can claim to be one, unless others see them as such. The
proof of the pudding is in the eating."
Which is fine as long as we recognize it does not bring closure. Some
people undoubtedly think the IRA is ethical, while others think the
British in Northern Ireland are ethical. There just willl not be an
agreement. Another way to say that is there will always be a significant
group of people who believe in the inherent goodness of virtually any
position one can name. These movements therefore meet Leon's test --
someone knows it when they see it.
The same applies to the society for moral rearmement. How do the
principles described answer the question of the morality or goodness of
abortion or birth control? How about any number of nationalist struggles
throughout the world? How about silicon breast implants that may or may
not cause a health problem? To Ray's point, how about unemployment and
downsizing? These principles help, but do not bring closure. Much as I
personally admire these principles, I can not yet envision how they help
us classify these issues as good or not.
-- Rol Fessenden 76234.3636@compuserve.comLearning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>