Reading lists LO13201

Bill Godfrey (
Sat, 12 Apr 97 19:22:28 +1000

Replying to LO13174 --

At the risk of self advertisement, there is a useful database at my site -
see signature block. While the full commentaries are subject to
subscription there is a 50 word or so comment and full reference to every
book on the list, which is open to all. The topic articles (some of them
are now due for revision) also give commentary on useful books in each of
15 or so categories. A good place to start is the 'list of books reviewed
during 1996' - about 70 of them.

One of my recent additions is a 1995 book by Howard Gardner called
"Leading Minds" that I think is simply brilliant.

Bill Godfrey
Bill Godfrey & Associates Pty Ltd
8 Reibey Place, Curtin, ACT 2605, Australia
Tel: (61) 6 282 2256
Fax: (61) 6 282 2447
BookWatch site:

[Host's Note: Bill Godfrey is a good friend and quite experienced in our
field; I think his reviews are excellent. ...Rick]


Bill Godfrey <>

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