Making open space work LO13229

I V N S Raju (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 13:32:33 +0530

Replying to LO13214 --

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997 12:55:45 +0500 EST Thomas Benjamin wrote this:

> It has worked for me. In response to the above request, my observations:
> - The first time I participated, I had announced a topic expecting people
> to sign in. The topic was sensitive within the theme. No one signed in.
> done for the theme, "to spend time alone on the topic and make my
> contribution to the theme which could be posted on the news bulletin
> board".
> - When I organised an OST, I have seen many experiment with the principles
> and the law.
> To maximise the potential of the OST, I realised, I needed to become
> comfortable with the concept of free market. I and many of us assume we
> are proponents of free and open market. The OST teaches what it means.
> Once, one overcomes the initial experiences and focuses on what the OST
> can offer, the technique works. Assuming other organisational aspects are
> attended to. I don't think, the OST will work for monopolists and
> individuals who have high need for control. An inference based on my
> limited experience.

I happen to associate with Thomas when we were conducting an OST based
meeting in one of our clients organisation. After the OST based meeting
is over, we have organised a structured programme to help people
clarify/negotiate their roles. The participation of people in this
structured programme is so pale and formal that they had hardly discussed
any issue with seriousness. When I made a statement comparing their
participation with their involvement in the Open Space, people
instantaneously recognised the need to have natural exchanges among
themselves about their work. I strongly felt on that day that OST
provides a very natural opportunity to the people to share their insights
and bring in creativity in addressing the issues that bother organisations
and people.

The concepts of bumble bees and butterflies with the law go very well
and provide richness to the discussions with the pollination and
cross pollinations.



IVNS Raju Corporate Human Resource Management Group National Dairy Development Board Anand - 388 001 - India ------------------------------- The only factors that influence each one of our actions are the belief/disbelief in God and the faith in righteousness. -------------------------------------------

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