Maturana in Australia LO13267

arthur battram (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:11:43 +0100

>He will be in Melbourne 23 -25 August 1997 and will present a three day
>seminar on "Language, Emotion and Knowing: An Explanation of What it is to
>be Human". The cost is $A 450 for the three days with early bird
>discounts down to $A345 (by April 30th - that's about $US 270 - and makes
>a trip from West Coast USA just about a proposition).
>For more details, contact David Mendes on 03 9816 9593 (613 9816 9593 from
>overseas) or by writing to Maturana Tour, 14 Dean St, Kew, 3101

just in case any reader was asleep recently when rick and others discussed
the Uk Maturana seminar, i can wholeheartedly recommend it. I'm tempted
to say 'it changed my life', it certainly expanded my possibility space...

Best wishes

Arthur Battram

[Host's Note: I'll second Arthur's sentiment! ...Rick]


from Arthur Battram, organisational learning adviser at LGMB, a notforprofit management advisory body supporting UK local authorities.

The 'Learning from Complexity' pack, a guide to the application of the 'new sciences' to management, is now available. It is relevant to other sectors outside of the 'local government' sector. For more info, visit our webpages at:

***my mission- to expand possibility space. A participant said recently "you're just feeding off the group" I take that as high praise***

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