I don't know why people consider trust as so special. It is with us
everywhere, and we could not live out daily lives with some level of
trust. None of it is absolute, of course, but we trust our banks, our
employer (at least to pay us), the food that we buy (at least that it is
not poisoned). Consider the chain of people that we travel by airline?
Some trust is delicately earned, and easily broken. Other trust is forced.
Imaging when you go in for an operation. Think of all the people that you
have never met,, or know very little about, but who you rely on to come
out alive. Sure, people can be sued if they stuff up, but that is little
comfort when you are dead. If you cannot develop trust in these people,
then you go in with such a nervous state that you can increase the risks
Trust is essential in any working relations. If it is low, then one needs
to rely on all sorts of formal control process (contracts, documenation,
legal suits etc) which are very expensive. Lack of trust is very costly.
So, I think we need to consider trust as the stuff of daily life, which
comes and goes for different reasons, and has its advantages, and at times
Gray Southon
Consultant in Health Management Research and Analysis
15 Parthenia St., Caringbah, NSW 2229, Australia
Ph/Fax +61 2 9524 7822, mobile +61 419 295 328
e-mail gsouthon@ozemail.com.au
--Gray Southon <gsouthon@ozemail.com.au>
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