Positions - St. Andrews Univ LO13347 -Scotland

Joseph Lampel (jl10@st-and.ac.uk)
Sun, 22 Apr 1997 10:26:36 +0100

The Department of Management in St. Andrews University, Scotland, invites
applications for five permanent positions in Strategic Management,
Organization Theory, and Health Care Management. The positions are at the
lecturer, senior lecturer, reader, or professor, depending on the
qualifications of the candidates. Successful applicants are expected to
take up their posts in

St. Andrews University is one of the top research universities in the
United Kingdom. The Department of Management was highly rated in the 1996
UK Research Assessment Exercise , and the 1995 UK Teaching Quality
Assessment. It is undergoing significant academic enhancements to create
an international centre of research excellence. Applications are sought
primarily to reinforce or complement the existing teaching and research

Potential applicants who would like to submit their resume to: Head of
Personnel services, University of St. Andrews, College Gate, St. Andrews,
Fife, Scotland, UK, KY16 9AL

Those who wish discuss these posts informally are invited to contact
either Professor John Beath, Head of School ((+44) (0)1334 462421 (tel);
(+44) (0) 1334 462444(fax);jab@st-and.ac.uk) or Professor Mo Malek,
Chairman of the Department ((+44) (0) 1334 462806 (tel); (+44) (0)
1334462812 (fax); mm1@st-and.ac.uk).

Closing date for Applications is the 19th of May, shortlising will take
place by the 29th of May, and interviews are expected to take around the
middle of June. Appointments will commence on October 1997 or at the
latest on January 1998.


Joseph Lampel <jl10@st-and.ac.uk>

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