Books by Chris Argyris LO13362

Edwin Brenegar III (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 08:31:26 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO13342 --

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Benjamin B. Compton wrote:

> At the risk of sounding arrogant, why don't people write articles about
> how to teach stupid and/or lazy people how to learn? I find it remarkably
> refreshing when I can work with "smart people" who value learning, even if
> they're not concerned with organizational learning. But working with
> people who have no desire to learn. . .well, that drains me.
> Anyone know of any good stuff on how to help people with no desire to
> learn, learn to have a desire to learn?

Ben, IMHO, Adults who are unwilling to learn have failed to see the
consequences of the process. And often they fail to see these
consequences because they do not have to be responsible for them. I am
finding that the issues of accountability are becoming more pronouced in
the groups with whom I work. You may be able to finesse your boss, but
you can't finesse your life. It will eventually catch up with you.

If you listen to great coaches talk about what it takes to build a team,
they often start by talking about recruiting great talent. Talent is the
ability to learn, to overcome one's own weaknesses, and to live beyond
your abilities through team work. "Stupid" people haven't figured that
out yet. One of my first mentors once told me, that "It is more important
who you work with than what you do." For the most part he is right.

Thanks for addressing an obvious, but needed point.

Ed Brenegar <>


Edwin Brenegar III <>

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