Organization follows Technology ? LO13408

Patrick A. Vice (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 16:03:25 +0000

Replying to LO13358 --

Here's a simple answer ...

I would never have seen your comments without the Internet.

I happen to disagree with your assessment, but I appreciate the

I would not have gone to a reference library to find it.

> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 00:31:38 -0400
> From: Stever Robbins <>

> At 03:35 pm 4/21/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >I believe that a businesses quest for a technological solution (or for a
> >technologically driven change) is symptomatic of deeper business and
> >organizational challenges. Hence the need and use of systems thinking. .
> Any suggestions on how to get this through to people? I've been serving
> as consultant to a few businesses on IT strategy, and I find few managers
> think deeply about why they want technology. One person asked how an
> Internet connection could help him manage better. I thought about it and
> told him that I didn't think it could. Any information he could get over
> the net, he could get by calling a reference librarian or the like. Yeah,
> it would take longer, but here's the critical question:
> If it's not worth the extra time/expense of collecting the
> information by picking up the phone, is that piece of information worth
> enough to justify an Internet connection and the attendant time spent on
> maintenance, Web surfing, etc.?

Patrick Vice, electric coffee house/ADVice, inc.
135 George Street South, Suite 1003, Toronto, Canada M5A 4E8
vx: (416) 363 7355, fx: (416) 363 7907 e-mail:


"Patrick A. Vice" <>

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