Juan, & others,
Here's the specifics on Michael Polanyi, along with a few other texts he
has written.
1) Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy, U.Chicago
Press, ISBN 0-226-67288. The center piece of his thought.
2) Science, Faith and Society. U.Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-67290-5. An
excellent intro to his perspective.
3) The Study of Man(sic.). U.Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-67292-1. A short
set of lectures on the relation of the sciences to the humanities.
4) Meaning. written with Harry Prosch. U.Chicago Press, ISBN
0-226-67295-6. A defense of the use of imagination in scientific study.
Polyani is the predessor to many of the thinkers today who are
successfully integrating the sciences and humanities. You will be
rewarded by your reading him.
Ed Brenegar
--Edwin Brenegar III <brenegar@bulldog.unca.edu>
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