>Mr. Michael Johnson <mjohnson@deltabtg.com) wrote
>My bachelor's "thesis" was a VERY basic connection between Senge's
>Archetypes (and models) and Infinite Series... specifically in validating
>the model for modelling the diffusion of Innovation.
>I have sought to attempt to create a similar model (with Calculus) to
>encompass Senge's Archetypes.
Dear Michael Johnson
If you are interested in math modelling in management science I think
there is a need for someone trying to translate "chaos pictures"
(beautiful Mandelbrot diagrams) into something of business relevance. The
organizational literature (eg Margarat Wheeley and Ralph Stacey) uses such
diagrams, but with no axes or dimensions of anythink business-like.
There is a need for simple illustrations / math cases which can illustrate
the relevance of chaos models to org phenomena.
I have not time to go into that for now, but maybe in future. If someone
could do this, a lot of teachers in business schools would be happy.
Just a suggestion.
With best regards
Steen Martiny
-- | | Innovia Steen Martiny | Tel (+45) 45 80 62 88 | Langebjerg 6 martiny@innovia.ping.dk | Fax (+45) 45 80 73 88 | DK-2850 Naerum (Denmark)Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>